1991-1993 Our Broadcast Offerings Escalate

1991-1993 Our Broadcast Offerings Escalate


1991 SP4 420

In 1991, the combo production/on-air SP4 console series is introduced. Wheatstone’s TV-600 is shown for the first time and, the next year, wins the Broadcast Excellence in Engineering award.

In 1992 we introduced our A-6000 flagship radio console with all electronic switching.

In 1993 we brought out the A-300 Radio console and introduced our TS-500 - an early attempt at a talent station.This was totally analog; it could switch up to 8 sources and you had to hook up about 60 wires to make it work, but it did.

20 years later, we'd revolutionize the industry with tiny talent panels that need a single CAT6 cable to make them work.


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